Hey, Thanks for checking me out 😉 

I’m Thanon Vongprayoon

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I’m currently...


Head of Design, Full-time.

I joined Ko-fi since 2019 as a first employee. Since I joined, I have been helping Ko-fi team building and improving features like...
  • Donations
  • Subscriptions
  • Commissions 
  • Shop sales
  • Direct Messages
  • and many more...
All these features help creators earned more than $200M so far. We now have more than 40M visitors every month. I'm also head up on all design related stuff from researching, iterating, building interfaces through code and providing branding materials for internal team and creators.

I would like to use this section to thank Ko-fi team. Whoop Whoop! you guys are amazing. I couldn’t do this without these amazing team. ☕️


Side Project

2 weeks hackathon with Tryn and Chin over Discord. I helped developing frontend and branding for this project. SplashAI is a Figma plugin with search engine and AI-powered text to image generator. This plugin now has more than 8k designers using it regulary on Figma.

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Side Project

In 2021, I helped my friends built Web3 project just for my curiousity on Blockchain and NFT. We came up with Speedboat a No-code tool for NFT creators to generate images and deploy on multiple chains such as Ethereum, Polygon and Binance Smart Chain. Our tool supports more than 9 chains and 8 NFT marketplaces. More than 500 projects are launched on Speedboat so far.

Big thanks to the crew! 🚤

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